Listing Description

When you call 917-993-5792 or en español 917-832-1927, you will be speaking with an attorney. One of our attorney referral counselors takes your call and talks with you about your legal question or reviews your online referral request. If we determine you will benefit from working with a lawyer, we will refer you to a screened and qualified lawyer. However, sometimes we help you figure out that you don’t need a lawyer. In that case, we will refer you to other helpful resources that might be better or more cost-effective for you. There is no charge to speak with an attorney referral counselor. We’re here to help. Established in 1946, the New York City Bar Legal Referral Service (LRS) is the oldest lawyer referral service in New York State, and the first one in New York City approved by the American Bar Association. Founded by two not-for-profit bar associations — the New York City Bar Association (est. 1870) and the New York County Lawyers’ Association (est. 1908) – we have made it our mission to help individuals and businesses find the right lawyer to meet their legal needs for more than 75 years.


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